Learn English using a unique method

Watch movies and series in the original, train the perception of English speech by ear and replenish your vocabulary in an exciting way
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More than 8000 videos

Watch your favorite movies and series in the original voice acting

For all ages

Our service will reveal the language potential of everyone!

Free materials

Watch movies and series in the original, train the perception of English speech

Boost YOUR English!

Study at a convenient time
Access from anywhere in the world
Favorable rate conditions
Individual selection of materials
Immersion in the language environment
Watch videos from any devices

Study comfortably!

Forget about boring English grammar exercises and memorizing words. When creating our service, we tried to consider all the nuances and make it as convenient as possible not only for watching videos, but also for learning.

The analysis of episodes will help to effectively master new material and will give an understanding of how and in what context certain phrases of the English language are used.

Use a dictionary to fully assimilate new information. While watching, add new words and phrases for you to return to them later and repeat.
Watch movies and series in the original, train the perception of English speech
Watch in the catalog
Watch series in the original, train the perception of English speech
Watch in the catalog

Double subtitles

Watch videos with English and other language subtitles or turn on two tracks at the same time. Subtitles will be synchronized
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  • скидка 5%
  • access to all materials without restrictions
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  • 7 days return guarantee
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  • 10% discount
  • access to all materials without restrictions
  • subtitle download
  • 7 days return guarantee
12 months
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  • скидка 15%
  • access to all materials without restrictions
  • subtitle download
  • + 1 month for free
  • 7 days return guarantee
  • VIP support